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What's cooking ...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ho Hum ... Kinda mood

Lots of stuff rolling around the old noggin. My daughter was in the hospital for a few days and the issues are still not resolved, in fact they morphed into something totally different, though she feels better every day. My boss was informed they were being transferred the Monday after spring break. In essenses these two managers are just switching places. Not unforseen but unexpected before the end of the term. So ... New person to mesh with.

Personal relationship issues that were confronted in January were moving along and now seem stalled. My life direction during Lent is ... I guess working but in general is not thought of daily. Which I think is not the point. So I feel adrift.

And the biggest thing weighing heavy on my mind, well one of them, is friends or lack of participation. My participation in general. In 2003 I happened upon a friend I was in the processes of making a life change in my job. Over the course of working together, not as long as we wished, we found out we were soul friends. Soo much alike it was crazy. A great friendship bloomed.

Then life stepped in and we not only didn't work together we didn't even live in the same area any more. Not to say we weren't in each other's lives. We vacationed together our family and friends melded. We still are part of a core group in fact we seem to be part of the leadership of said group.

Anyway, as life often does people have left our group and people have come onto our group. Another person I have known off and on from afar and their spouse entered our group. They felt our connection was kismet and wanted that number one spot. I like this person. I like the other person. But I freaked out and stepped back. I was afraid to hurt either ones feelings. I was afraid of the hassle to address the issue. So what the hell have I done? I backed away from both and now I walk on eggs when both are involved, which is most of the damn time, and I don't have any one to vent to. WTF?

Any way that is why I seem to be adrift ... Not really caring about anything and life passing me by and not having fun. Life is too short not to have fun.


My funk ... And then there is the pollen